Bearing Linear Encoder Bracket Design
FMG experienced lateral movement of the floating side bucket wheel bearing of RC901 and requested Engineering Dynamics Consultants PTY LTD to monitor the movement relative to the gearbox during operation.
This was to help understand the conditions that result in this movement.
In addition to the displacement transducer, a number of temporary strain gauges had also been requested to assess the stresses occurring on the floating side bearing support structure.
Subsequent to testing, the displacement transducer would be left in place and made available to be permanently connected to the FMG onboard SCADA system.
As such, a transducer would be purchased for the application.

(RC901 gearbox component)
Scope of Work
A new linear encoder bracket was required to be modeled following the specifications of multiple brochure documents. This required a design that would significantly reduce lateral vibration. With the assistance of Engineering Dynamics Consultants PTY LTD, a SCADA system was needed to be implemented in order to monitor future vibration levels.
- Model a linear encoder bracket that cuts down on lateral vibration ready for detailed drafts and fabrication.
- Model an electrical board for the creation of detailed drafts and fabrication.
Challenges Involved
A bracket was created to support and encase the floating bearing to reduce the effects of the lateral vibrations.
A cylindrical displacement transducer was attached between the brackets to account for extension of the bearing away from the rotating bucket beam by allowing free movement of the transducer axle.

(RC901 - View 1)

(View 2)

(View 3)
Innovative Thinking
An innovative bracket design was created to support a linear transducer attached to the floating bearing to monitor the linear movement in real time via SCADA.

(Electrical board design - View 1)

(View 2)
After the design was implemented and the SCADA program set, a significant reduction in lateral vibration was achieved and is now easily accessible for conditional monitoring.

(3D Viewer - Not added yet)

(Bracket mount)

(Displacement transducer)

(Bracket design)
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